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News & Blog2019-05-20T21:52:44+00:00

Promising Strategies: Do you believe your strategic planning process delivers maximized potential?

The intent of strategic planning season is to introduce new and promising ideas in order to solidify a strategy that will be executed to draw out a desired goal. As exciting as it should be, how many dread the long planning sessions, the dissecting of fresh processes and the exhausting planning? How many have experienced a stagnation of fresh ideas and feel as if a strategy session is more of a place where great ideas go to get extinguished versus accepted and welcomed? Interesting data collected from over 300 companies suggest that strategic planning time brings out a dichotomy of emotions: excitement for valid strategic ideas and also dread from the assumption of the rejection of such ideas. Further data from those previously surveyed companies suggest that less than 30% of business executives believe their strategic planning efforts are truly delivering maximized potential. If over 70% of the business world’s decision makers are confident in their work as corporate strategists, what is missing? What happens that causes a dilution in strategic objectives? In many large corporations, this is a common issue. One of the underlying causes of this is simply: the absence of solid support systems spread throughout the organization. Of course many people have different ideologies when it comes to the concept of strategy, but the fact remains that the results are always the same: implementation which leads to desired results. In our consultancy, we advise companies to take a moment to evaluate a different approach to their strategic initiatives. We advise them to take the paradigm to a higher level of expectation. We guide them in acknowledging the value in targeted debates, strategic decision making, and exploration on how to engage multiple components of the organization. We do not approach every business of every industry the same, all [...]

By |May 9th, 2016|Categories: Strategic Planning|Comments Off on Promising Strategies: Do you believe your strategic planning process delivers maximized potential?

Our 10-Dimensional Approach to Reduce Telecom Expenditures

One of the most common areas companies look to reduce expenditures is Telecom. There is a 50% chance that your dedicated staff is not achieving relevant savings. There is a lot that can be done that is never explored. When it comes to lowering expenditures related to telecom, a team must first: Reduce complexity Ensure they've been presented the best deal Conduct due diligence Explore the necessity of all physical locations These steps are important before embarking on implementing strategies that will lower costs. As a consultant at PGV Advisors, I have helped companies achieve nearly 50% of savings in the category of telecom. Our teams strategic approach is based on a 10-dimensional proven methodology. Cost Reduction Yes, cost reduction is one primary goal of any telecom savings initiative. Walking a staircase when an elevator is broken is required to reach the top floor of a tall building. However, if you were to try to force your way to the top by skipping several steps on the way, you are at risk for breaking your neck. The same thing happens when cost reduction is focused on too heavily in the beginning of any strategic savings initiative. It is imperative to analyze all aspects of the business objective and the degree of productivity before placing too much action to directly lower costs. Lifecycle Management Expertise is valuable in any savings objective. Seek guidance and consult an expert or a group of consultants to provide assistance with the initial design, carrier selection, pricing, negotiation, contract review, installation, MACD work, and contract renewal. Baseline Inventory Capturing baseline elements are essential in demonstrating the proof of savings. Your chosen team of experts should demonstrate strategy that showcases their plan to establish a baseline, analyze data and most importantly, engage with stakeholders. Not fully involving stakeholders in the baseline review process can cause grey [...]

By |May 5th, 2016|Categories: Category Management, Expertise, Savings Initiative, Strategic Planning, Telecom|Comments Off on Our 10-Dimensional Approach to Reduce Telecom Expenditures
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